CMS Clock Noises SFX
CMS Clock Noises SFX
Artikel-Nr. | Item No.: | CMS YEM 016 002 |
Produktart | Product Type: | Einzelsounds / Single Sounds |
Keyboardhersteller | Keyboard Manufacturer: | Yamaha |
Kompatibilität | Compatibility: | Genos2, Genos, PSR-SX900, PSR-SX700, PSR-SX600, Tyros 5, PSR-S975, PSR-S970, PSR-S775, PSR-S770, PSR-S670, PSR-A5000, PSR-A3000 |
Speicherbedarf (Alle Voices) | Memory Requirements (All Voices): | 31.6 MB |
Hauptkategorie: | SFX |
Instrument-Kategorie | Instrument Category: | SFX - Misc SFX |
Sampling: | SFX Sampling |
Dynamikstufen | Dynamic Levels: | 1 (Filtered) |
Artikulationen | Articulations: | keine / none |
Dateiformat | File Format: | .CPF File Format (Copyprotected Project) für den Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) |
Auslieferung | Delivery: | Digitaler Download |
Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM): | mind. / at least Version 2.6 | PSR-SX 600 = Version 2.7 | PSR-A 5000 = Version 2.8 |
17,90 €
Zzgl. Versand. Unser Unternehmen ist gem. § 19 UStG umsatzsteuerbefreit. | Excl. Shipping costs. Our company is exempt from sales tax according to § 19 UStG.
Auf Lager | In stock
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